Cervical Spine Surgery

What is Cervical Spine Surgery?

Cervical Spine Surgery Cervical Spine, Vertebral

Cervical spine surgery is performed to remove herniated discs and fuse the vertebrae together, as well as other operations to remove tumors, treat infections or correct spinal deformities. Cervical spine surgery procedures are performed by a skilled surgeon using minimally invasive techniques that minimize scarring and recovery time. It is a type of surgery that takes place on the cervical (neck) area of your spine This part of your spine is called the cervix because it connects the head and upper body to the lower part of the body (the thoracic and lumbar areas). During cervical spine surgery, a doctor may repair or replace disks or vertebrae. Also, surgeons will fix fractures and repair bony injuries caused by trauma. Cervical spine surgery can be performed with an open approach or with robotic assistance.

What are Cause of Cervical Spine Surgery?

Cervical Spine

When a degenerative illness or deformity affects the cervical spine, surgery is required. The intervertebral disc contracts because of abnormalities or degenerative disease, causing the disc to break down. Disc herniation, also known as disc bulging, can occur because of the breakdown. A patient with degeneration disease has Numbness, stinging, weakness, and considerable discomfort in the arms and hands are the most typical symptoms of cervical spine herniation. If physical therapy and medicines do not help your symptoms, you will be referred for Cervical Spine Surgery. The operation can help to relieve anxiety in the spinal cord.

Spine Disorders and Its Treatments

Symptoms That Your Cervical Spine Might Be Affected

  • Agony
  • Head or neck injury
  • Arms and legs are weak or numb.
  • Injury to the neck causes neck pain.
  • Neck pain accompanied by a fever or a headache.
  • From contacting chin to chest, a stiff neck makes it tough.

What are the Most Common Cervical Spine Surgery Procedures?

The following are some of the most performed cervical surgeries:

What Should You Do Before Cervical Spine Surgery?

Cervical spine surgery preparation entails more than just psychologically and physically preparing yourself for the procedure. There are, however, modifications you may do to make your recovery more comfortable and easier.

How to Prepare for Cervical Spine Surgery?

  • Before having surgery, keep your health in check.
  • Organize your home so that items you will need after your surgery are readily available.
  • Two weeks before to cervical surgery, quit smoking. Smoking slows the healing of bone grafts.
  • It means keeping your phone, shoes, and toiletries in easy-to-reach locations that do not require bending.
  • Make a blood donation. You may be obliged to donate blood or have donations made in your name, depending on the surgery.
  • Two weeks before the surgery, stop taking any drugs, including pain killers and vitamin supplements. Keep track of any medications you need to take so you may discuss them with your neurosurgeon before your cervical spine surgery.
  • Have a pre-surgical physical examination at least ten days before your surgery date to determine that you are healthy enough to undergo the treatment. Blood work, urine analysis, an EKG, and a medical history will all be part of this.
  • Get your hospital supplies ready. Comfortable apparel, such as pyjamas or sweatpants, as well as a robe and non-slip slippers, should be included. Get your essentials together, including a comb, toothpaste, and a toothbrush.

How much does cervical spine surgery cost in India?

Cervical Spine Surgery is the most important and most common type of surgery performed all over India. The surgeons are experienced and skilled in carrying out operations using the latest medical equipment. They offer advanced medical facilities, and one of the best recovery facilities, and they follow all the international protocols while doing the procedure. The cost of cervical spine surgery in India is around USD 4600 to USD 7,500 (INR 364800 to 594783). However, the prices may vary depending upon the hospitals in different cities.

Is Cervical Spine Surgery Risky?

Cervical spine surgery has a high success rate, however, there have been reports of problems.

The most common neck surgery complication is a dural tear (a tear in the protective covering of the spinal cord), which occurs in just 0.77 percent of cases. With a total incidence of only 0.42 percent, C5 palsy (temporary paralysis in one or both arms) is the second most common consequence.

While complications are uncommon, depending on the type of neck surgery you have, you may be at a higher risk for specific consequences.

Neck surgery complications, for example, frequently include the oesophagus. Patients who have an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) are more likely to experience dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), laryngeal nerve damage, and pharyngeal wall edoema.

What are the Risks and Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery?

Neck surgery carries the same dangers as any other procedure. Prior to surgery, your doctor will discuss the procedure's potential hazards with you. The following are some of the dangers associated with neck surgery:

  • The surgery site is infected.
  • A spinal fusion that is not entirely fused.
  • Hematoma or bleeding at the surgery site.
  • Areas around the surgery site are deteriorating.
  • Screws or plates that become loose or loosened over time.
  • Following surgery, you may experience chronic pain or stiffness.
  • C5 palsy is caused by injury to the nerves or CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) leakage in the spinal cord, resulting in arm paralysis.

Furthermore, the treatment may not be effective in relieving your pain or other problems, or you may require additional neck procedures in the future.

What are your options for dealing with it?

You can help improve the success of your operation by discussing the risks and advantages with your surgeon before you have it done.

Each patient is different, and meticulous pre-operative preparation is essential for a successful procedure. It is critical to assess spine pathology [the cause of disease or condition] as well as any other comorbidities including smoking, diabetes, and mental illnesses.

Patients should speak with their surgeon about their medical issues and how they may affect the fusion's outcome as well as the possibility of post-operative complications.


The kind of cervical spine surgery that was done will decide how long the patient must stay in the hospital and how much help you could require right away. Many cervical spine operations only need one or two nights in the hospital.

The patient will work with the physical therapist to learn how to move properly. To move safely on a bed and up to a sitting position, suggestions will be given. The patient is anticipated to gradually advance to standing and walking.

The diet will be changed as your digestive function returns to normal because anaesthetic recovery times vary from person to person. Clear liquids are usually permitted as soon as you are able to eat. More solid meals will be provided to you if you can tolerate these.

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