Gastric sleeve surgery cost in India

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A sleeve gastrectomy, also known as Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery (SGS), is a weight loss surgery that is gaining traction in the market today. It's an alternative to other bariatric procedures such as gastric bypass surgery and gastric banding. SGS is recommended for those who are not able to lose weight through regular exercising and a strict diet. It shrinks the size of one's stomach by almost 80 percent and reshapes it into the shape of a tube or sleeve.

Sleeve gastrectomy helps in shrinking the size of the stomach by about 80%. It focuses on patients who are unable to lose weight without surgery, such as by exercises or diets. A laparoscope is used to resect a large section of a person's stomach during a sleeve gastrectomy. Then, a lengthy "sleeve" like structure or something like a pouch is left, after 75 to 85 percent of the stomach is removed. What you need to know is that Gastric sleeve surgery is an irreversible treatment, and it aims to permanently reduce the size of your stomach.

Why should choose India for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

In India, almost all major multispecialty hospitals provide the sleeve gastrectomy procedure. The majority of these hospitals are located in the big cities with direct flights to other parts of the world, making it quite simple for a medical tourist to reach one of the top hospitals in India for bariatric surgery whenever they prefer. Patients with extreme obesity who are not able to have a sleeve gastrectomy are recommended to pick from a variety of other weight-loss methods.

In India, gastric sleeve surgery is usually performed with a laparoscope. When it comes to laparoscopic services, the top facilities for sleeve gastrectomy in India are adequately equipped.

Almost every sleeve gastrectomy facility in India provides a well-equipped recovery centre where patients can get help at any time during their recuperation. The center's medical staff advises patients best food habits, exercise routines, and activity levels to follow to recover quickly and effectively.

Mumbai and New Delhi gastric sleeve surgery hospitals are well-known for their cutting-edge medical treatments and high-quality care. Each year, hundreds of medical tourists from throughout the world undergo bariatric surgery at these hospitals and safely return home. Their weight loss continues after they return to their home country, and an Indian weight-loss surgeon then continue to monitor their health for a few months via online consultation and comments.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in India?

When a medical tourist chooses to fly to India for getting a sleeve gastrectomy done, he/ she expects to save at least 50%-70% of their money. In India, a sleeve gastrectomy not only helps people in reducing their weight, but it also helps with the treatment of a variety of medical issues caused by obesity.

Gastric sleeve surgery cost in India is much less than the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in other countries. When compared to the UK, US, or Australia, the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in India is just a fraction of what it costs in these developed western countries.

S.No. Surgery Price in (₹) Price in ($)
1. Gastric Sleeve Surgery INR 4,76,000 USD 6,400
2. Gastric Bypass Surgery INR 4,46,000 USD 6,000
3. Gastric Band Surgery INR 3,71,000 USD 5,000
4. Gastric Balloon Surgery INR 2,08,000 USD 2,800

Those Who Are the Best Candidates for Gastric Sleeve Surgery Are:

  • Those individuals who are extremely obese or have a reduced life expectancy or are even at a higher risk of health problems.
  • People who weigh even more than 100 pounds, or beyond their optimal body weight or have a BMI of more than 40.
  • People who are 80 pounds overweight or have a BMI of greater than 35, as well as other health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, or sleep apnea.

What Is the Role of a Gastric Sleeve in Weight Loss?

The one main purpose of a sleeve gastrectomy is to decrease the size of the patient’s stomach. As a result, weight loss is aided by the following two mechanisms:

  • Due to an early sense of fullness, the amount of food that an individual can eat at one time is restricted.
  • Ghrelin secretion is reduced, which is a hunger-stimulating hormone secreted by the stomach.

How is Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Performed?

Under the influence of general anaesthesia, a sleeve gastrectomy is conducted as a laparoscopic procedure. A series of small incisions are made in the stomach. The laparoscope and some other surgical equipment are subsequently inserted in by the surgeon.

Because of the tiny camera that is linked to the laparoscope, the surgeon receives a very close picture of the inside area of the stomach on a huge screen. This then helps the physician in doing the surgery better. Furthermore, because of the enhanced views, they are also able to staple the stomach with perfection.

A large piece of the patient’s stomach is then removed during surgery, and the remaining portion is stapled into the shape of a banana or a sleeve, maybe even looks like a pouch. Following the procedure, the food then passes through the same digestive process, and enters the stomach via the oesophagus and gets digested in the intestine. Bariatric surgeons frequently advise obese patients to have a gastric sleeve surgery combined with another procedure called gastric bypass. In India, gastric sleeve surgery is usually combined with a gastric bypass.

This is done in two different stages, each with a one-year break between them. In the first phase, gastric sleeve surgery gets performed, then followed by a gastric bypass surgery in the second phase. Both treatments can also be performed at the same time in exceptional situations.

For pain treatment and faster recovery after a sleeve gastrectomy, patients may need analgesics for at least a week. Different people experience varying levels of pain, so the type of medication provided to them can always change. A lot of patients get discharged two to three days after their surgery. However, the patient's return to their normal routine may take around four to six weeks. Patients are encouraged to drink plenty of water and fluids, to stay hydrated. For a few days after their surgery, the patients may be constipated because their bowel motions can be difficult and painful. To reduce the strain put on the stitches, the patient should try to avoid lifting large weights. They should, however, try to move a lot to speed up their healing process.

After Surgery, The Patient Is Usually Advised to Follow Eating Plan:

They are advised to drink clear liquids such as water, broth, and decaf tea during their first stage. Try to have soups, cottage cheese, and scrambled eggs, as they are soft puréed foods. Soft foods such as boiled chicken, fish, mashed potatoes, and cereals are recommended at this stage. The patient can eat a normal diet with at least three meals per day.

What Are the Complications and Risks?

Gastric sleeve surgery is believed to be safe and has no known harmful effects. However, like with any surgical procedure, it too has the potential to complicate some situations. The following are some of the most common problems that relate to a sleeve gastrectomy:

  • Ulcers
  • Dyspepsia
  • Blood clots
  • Sleeve leakage
  • Staple line failure
  • Wound infection
  • Dumping syndrome
  • Damage to the vagus nerve
  • Constipation and indigestion
  • Gastroparesis and esophageal spasm

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Has Several Advantages Too:

The gastric sleeve surgical treatment is quite advantageous to an obese patient. The following are some of the most important advantages of gastric sleeve surgery in India:

  • Weight loss.
  • In Type 2 diabetes, more than 70% of individuals experience some improvement.
  • Blood pressure, sleep apnea, and hyperlipidaemia all get improved.
  • Improved mobility leads to more physical activity.
  • Following a significant weight loss, a boost in confidence can be seen.


Within the first year, people lose 50 to 80 percent of their excess body weight and are able to return to their normal weight within the gap of two years. However, the amount of weight a person will lose after bariatric surgery completely relies on a variety of factors, including food, activity, lifestyle, and commitment to follow the prescribed activities.

Yes, mostly all women who have had gastric sleeve surgery are able to conceive.

Obesity-related infertility is a great concern among obese women of reproductive age who are ready to start a family. Weight loss also boosts the pregnancy rate and even your irregular menstruation cycles. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy helps reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes mellitus, excessive foetal growth, and caesarean birth.

Doctors, on the other hand, advise patients in waiting at least 18 months after the surgery to allow the weight to normalise before trying to conceive.

After a sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the patient will usually be able to leave the hospital after 3 days.

Most patients who work in offices can return to their work within 7-10 days after the surgery. People who must do physical labour must limit their activity and not do any lifting until three weeks after surgery. Patients can recover faster with laparoscopic surgery since the incisions are quite small. They might be able to return to work sooner than expected. It's recommended to talk to your surgeon about it before returning to work.

A patient can usually drive a car in around 4-5 days. Make sure driving is only done when the patient feels confident enough to turn the wheel and use the brakes in an emergency.

One of the best advantages of this surgery is that it does not necessitate the creation of a new connection between the stomach and small intestine (anastomosis). Furthermore, long-term problems are less frequent with gastric sleeve surgery than with gastric bypass surgery. There is little risk of internal hernia or marginal ulcers that comes with gastric sleeve surgery, but no link has been shown. Gastric bypass surgery is the most common cause of this. When compared to gastric bypass surgery, there are lower chances of nutrient insufficiency because there is no malabsorption.

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