Sickle Cell Disease

8th December 2022
5:00 PM (India Time)
Dr. Priyatesh Dwivedi,
Dr. Ambar Garg

Red blood cells, also referred to as red cells, are the most common type of blood cell and the vertebrate's principal means of delivering oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies. And, on their return trip, take carbon dioxide back to our lungs to be exhaled. As we all know, the red blood cells are round and flexible.

However, a mutation in the hemoglobin gene causes hemoglobin proteins to clump together. This changes the shape of the red blood cell to look like a sickle, C-shaped, like sickles or crescent moons. Because of their rigid shape, sickle cells break more often than normal healthy red blood cells and do not last as long in the bloodstream. Our bodies are always making new red blood cells but cannot keep up with the quick turnover of sickle cells. This means that people with sickle cell disease (SCD) usually have fewer red blood cells and suffer from anemia (low red blood cell counts).

SCD occurs more often in people whose ancestors lived where malaria has been common, such as Africa & India. People start showing signs around 5 months old. The earliest signs and symptoms are: Jaundice, Fatigue, pain and swelling of the hands and feet. Over the period, SCD can damage many organs. Complications worsen over time because of repeated acute symptoms.

Thankfully, there has been great progress in diagnosing and treating SCD in recent years. This has reduced childhood mortality and increased life expectancy.

Webinar Highlights
  • What is sickle cell anaemia? And what causes this disease?
  • Types of Sickle Cell Disease.
  • What are the symptoms & complications?
  • Cure for Sickle Cell Disease.

Speaker’s Profile

Dr. Priyatesh Dwivedi, is a Consultant – Hemato-oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant. Prior to this, he was Attending Consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, HCG and Registrar - Hemato-Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant at Artemis Hospital in India.

Dr Ambar Garg, a hematologist and bone marrow transplant specialist, comes with 13 years of experience. Prior to joining HCG Manavata Cancer Centre, Dr. Garg was Attending Consultant at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute in New Delhi.

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